Senin, 26 Desember 2011


for allEfforts to improve the quality of a nation there is no other wayexcept by improving the quality of education. Departing from the idea that UNESCOlaunched the four pillars of education of present and future, namely: (1) Learning to Know, (2)learning to do (3) learning to be, and (4) learning to live together.To implement the "learning to know" (learning to learn), The teacher shouldable to position itself as a facilitator. In addition, teachers are required to bedual role as a friend for their students in dialogue in order to developstudents' mastery of knowledge.School as a community forum to facilitate students to learn seyogjanyaactualize the skills possessed, as well as the talents and interests in order to "Learning to do"(Learn to do something) can be a political reality. Although the real talents and interests of childreninfluenced by hereditary factors, but growth and development of talents and interests as welldepends on the environment. As we all know that skill ismeans to sustain one's life even more dominant than the skillsacquisition of knowledge aloneUnesco declared the third pillar which is "learning to be" (learning to become one).Hali is closely related to their talents, interests, physical, psychological, typologychild's personal and environmental conditions. For example: for students who are aggressive, will find teakhimself if given ample opportunity to be creative. And vice versa for students who are passive,the role of teacher as compass directions at once become a facilitator is needed tostudents develop the full potential and maximum.The occurrence of "learning to live together" (learning to live together), inThis fourth pillar, the habit of living together, mutual respect, open, giving and receivingneed to be developed in schools. Conditions like these that allow the growth of attitudesmutual understanding among racial, ethnic, and religiousFor all this, education in Indonesia should be directed at improving the qualityintellectual and professional abilities and attitudes, personality and morals. With the abilityIndonesia and the attitude of such people then in turn will make the communityIndonesian society of dignity in the eyes of the world community. GOOD ..!!!

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