PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP IN DEVELOPMENTSCHOOL CLIMATE AND CULTURESchool leadership is one of the most consistent characteristicrelationship with learning achievement. The study's findings Heck, et al. (1991) showed thatacademic achievement can be predicted based on knowledge of the behavior of the leadershipteaching head sekolah.MenuruTownsend (1994), the leadership hasinfluence on all aspects of school performance. More specifically, teaching leadershiprole in personnel development activities of teachers, school protection from external pressuresthe lack of support, monitoring school performance, the provision of time and energy toper  better schools, providing support to teachers, and the search for extra resources forschool (Mortimore, 1993).Being a school leader who can create a culture and climate of schools based onassumption that school leaders are the ones who are able mengespresikan selfwholly or in other words they know who they are, what their strengthsand compensate for their weaknesses, know their wishes and expectations and whyhe wanted it, how to express that desire to personnelschools to gain the cooperation and support from school personnel.Finally, the principal knows how to achieve their goals. The key to the expressionself is pengetian about ourselves and the world of work and school environment in which weis located. And the key to understanding is to learn from life and personal experiences.Today the working people tend to seek more than just a paycheck, they want to be treatedas human beings. These conditions may sound clich̩ but many leaders who are lessaware of this.Core culture and a vibrant school climate is situated on the quality of the relationship betweenindividuals in a community school and the trust, respect and considerationshown by the principal to teachers, staff and students every day. Tomaximize the potential of school personnel, especially depending on how onetreated, be inspired and challenged to produce their best work performancewith support resources and guidance provided by the school principal tohelped make the performance of school personnel to be extraordinary.
The extent to which culture and school climate in schools can kepemimipinempower or even inhibit the potential. Cuntoh simple that can beconducted in the school climate is exciting with the occasional celebrationto build a moral or school culture that could produce a change, givepleksibel schedule or the best equipment to carry out the task correctly. This isprobably will require no small cost, but this way do not be gratuitousif it can result in increased labor productivity.There are several ways that can be done by the principal in implementingleadership in schools so as to create a school climate and crocodiles kondusip:
A. Developing the Moral WorkIn creating a culture and climate of the school, one of the most decisive factor isevoke the spirit of the people who are in a school environment, especially teachers,staff and students. This is because morality can provide a direct impact onquality of schools and can improve learning achievement for students and improveprofessionalism of teachers and staff in carrying out their duties.The school principal as a leader within the school organization must find out whethertheir relationships with teachers, staff, students, committees, parents and community intertwined withgood or not? This can be done through the answers of following questions.1.Apakah school personnel feel free to give their opinion and know thattheir opinions valued?2.What they believe that they get timely information about mattersassociated with school programs and their duties?3.Apakah you can generate the commitment to them or they do not feel themselvesas part of the school?4.Apakah you can understand their needs and establish a relationship of mutual understandingamong them to reach the suggestions in the raise the quality of their work?5.Apakah you provide opportunities not only in performing but alsoeffect so that they respond and try to ascertain what has beenhappen?
B. Policies and ProceduresQuite a few schools that managed to have an easy way to evoke the spirit of the teacherin teaching, staff morale in the work and spirit of the students in learning and achievementby minimizing some of the policies and procedures that could hamper efforts toeager to make school personnel and replacing them with policies andprocedure is simpler and does not inhibit.The school has a culture and climate are well aware that school person who cantrusted to do what is right when they are allowed to chargefor their own actions.
According to Bob Nelson (2007), there are a few suggestions in setting policies and procedureswork within the organization as follows:1.Dalam policy, shorter and simpler is better than longer andtricky.2.Setiap time you assign a new policy, delete the two old policy.3.Pastikan organization's policies and procedures developed to serve the employees andYour customer is not just your organization only.4.Waspadai possibility of setting a new policy or procedure as a reaction toa single incident, may be the problem never appeared again.5.Seberapa besarpun size of the organization, there is no single policy that the description of morefrom one page.Determination of the above policy can be adopted within the school culture if supportedby the organizational structure of a good school. Characteristics of a good school organizational structureis if the structure can produce good work and not convoluted. Becauseif the school was unhappy person will automatically give the work and the work thatworse, this is the effect of policies and procedures that are less good.Relationships are built into the school culture and climate based on relationshipsmutual trust, mutual respect and listen to opinions of others and canexpress themselves in the task and the work is a powerful tool for school personnel toget what they want.

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