“Experiential Learning”

Experiential Learning” .

David Kolb, one education expert from the United States, who popularized the theory of learning "Experiential Learning".
Kolb Learning Styles Students classified into four major trends are:
1. Concrete Experience (CE). Students learn through feeling (feeling), emphasizing aspects of concrete experience, more concerned with relationships with peers and sensitivity to others' feelings. Students involve themselves fully through a new experience, students tend to be more open and able to adapt to changes that it faces.
2. Abstract conceptualization (AC). Students learn through thinking (thinking) and focused more on logical analysis of ideas, systematic planning, and intellectual understanding of the situation or case at hand. Students create concepts that integrate his observations into sound theories, relying on systematic planning.
3. Reflective Observation (RO). Students learn through observation (watching), the emphasis is observed before the judge, listening to a case from different perspectives, and always listen to the meaning of the things observed. Students will use the thoughts and feelings to form opinions / opinions, students observe and reflect on his experience from various aspects.
4. Active experimentation (AE). Students learn through actions (doing), tend to be stronger in terms of ability to perform tasks, take risks, and influencing others through his actions. Students will appreciate its success in completing the work, its influence on others, and accomplishments. Students use the theory to solve problems and make decisions.
Furthermore, Kolb suggests, that each individual is not dominated by one particular style of learning in absolute terms, but tends to form combinations and configurations of certain learning styles, which diklasifikasikannya into 4 (four) types:
Type 1. Diverger.
This type is a combination of Concrete Experience (CE) and Reflective Observation (RO), or in other words a combination of feeling (feeling) and observation (watching). Students with Diverger type has an advantage in the ability of imagination and see the concrete situations from many different viewpoints, then plugging into something round and intact. His approach to each situation is "observing" and not "act". Such students prefer learning tasks that require it to generate ideas and likes to collect various information, like the issue of literary, cultural, historical, and other social sciences. They are usually more asking "Why?". The role and functions of teachers suited to this type of student are as motivators.
Type 2. Assimilator.
The second type is a combination of abstract conceptualization (AC) and Reflective Observation (RO) or in other words a combination of thinking (thinking) and observation (watching). Students with types Assimilator has an advantage in understanding and responding to the various offerings and organize information in a format merangkumkannya a logical, concise, and clear. Usually these types of students tend to be more theoretical, preferring to work with abstract ideas and concepts, rather than working with people. The subjects of interest is the field of science and mathematics. They are usually more asking "What?". The role and functions of teachers suited to this type of student is as an Expert.
Type 3. Converger.
This type is a combination of abstract conceptualization (AC) and Reflective Observation (RO) or in other words a combination of thinking (thinking) and do (doing). Students are able to respond to a variety of opportunities and able to work actively in any well-defined task. Students eager to learn when faced with a definite answer questions, and immediately tried to find the right answer. He is willing to learn by trial and error only in environments considered relatively safe from failure.
Students with type Converger excels in finding practical functions of the various ideas and theories. Usually they have a good ability in problem solving and decision making. They also tend to prefer technical tasks (applicative). He tends to be unemotional and prefer to work associated with the object of the human, social issues or personal relationships.
The subjects of interest is the field of science and engineering. They are usually more asking "How?". The role and functions of teachers suited to this type of student is as a Coach, who can provide guided practice and can provide appropriate feedback.
Type 4. Accomodator
This type is a combination of Concrete Experience (CE) and Active experimentation (AE) or in other words a combination of feeling (feeling) to do (doing). Students are happy to apply this type of course material in new situations to solve real problems it faces. The advantages of this type of students have good learning abilities of the real experience of his own. They love to make plans and involving themselves in new and challenging experiences. In an attempt to solve the problem, they usually consider human factors (for feedback / information) rather than technical analysis. They tend to act on intuition / impulse rather than based on logical analysis, often using trial and error in solving the problem, less impatient and eager to act. If there is a theory that is inconsistent with the facts tend to ignore it. His favorite subjects is related to the field of business (business) and engineering.
They are usually more asking "What if?". The role and function of teachers in dealing with this type of student is trying to expose students to the "open-ended questions", maximizing student opportunity to learn and explore something appropriate choice. Use of Problem-Based Learning method seems very suitable for students of this fourth type.

SPICES is an acronym of
(1) Student-centered, meaning students actively develop the knowledge and skills learned
(2) Problem-based; means that students are given trigger problems or illustrations of cases that will be used to develop the power of reason and analysis, critical thinking and be able to use the knowledge he already has
(3) Integrated; lesson planning and curriculum is designed in an integrated, both horizontally and vertically.
(4) Community-based (Consummer-based); process of student learning is not only limited by the classroom with textual material but they are studying various aspects of community life in their real environment.
(5) Elective; schools should provide programs of choice that can be taken of students, tailored to the interests, goals, talents
 (6) Systematic. Developed with the goal of learning, the material and the stages of a clear, logical and orderly,

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